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yes, aka rise over run.

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Q: Is the slope of a line the average rate of change of the linear function?
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What if the rate of change is a measure of how fast the function is increasing or decreasing what does the slope of a linear?

The slope of a linear function is also a measure of how fast the function is increasing or decreasing. The only difference is that the slope of a straight line remains the same throughout the domain of the line.

How does the graph of an exponential function differ from the graph of a linear function and how is the rate of change different?

The graph of a linear function is a line with a constant slope. The graph of an exponential function is a curve with a non-constant slope. The slope of a given curve at a specified point is the derivative evaluated at that point.

How do you find the average rate of change for a linear function?

A linear function has a constant rate of change - so the average rate of change is the same as the rate of change.Take any two points, A = (p,q) and B = (r, s) which satisfy the function. Then the rate of change is(q - s)/(p - r).If the linear equation is given:in the form y = mx + c then the rate of change is m; orin the form ax + by + c = 0 [the standard form] then the rate is -a/b.

A word for a constant rate of change?

In mathematics, a constant rate of change is called a slope. For linear functions, the slope would describe the curve of the function. The world "constant" in this context means the slope and therefore angle of the curve will not change.

Where did slope forms originate?

Linear Parent Function

Is a line with an infinite amount of slope a linear function?

No, I don't think that would fit the definition of a linear function.

Does in linear graphs the slope of the line change with the x-coordinate?

No. A linear graph has the same slope anywhere.

What is a slope in mathematics?

It's the gradient, or the steepness, of a linear function. It is represented by 'm' in the linear formula y=mx+b. To find the slope of a line, pick to points. The formula is (y2-y1)/(x2-x1). See the related link "Picture of a Linear Function for a picture of a linear function.

What is constant rate of change?

When something has a constant rate of change it means that it has a linear graph. The function can be written in the slope intercept form of y = mx + b.

What is the slope of a function?

The slope of a function is the y-intercept or the change in y, over the change in x.

Please help -- How does the slope and y-intercept change if you reverse the x and y axis of a linear graph. Will the graph still be linear?

If it was linear to start with it will still be linear. The slope will change to its reciprocal. The y-intercept will be unchanged (but it will look different)

What does the slope of a linear function indicate?

In the graph, the slope means that, what is the corresponding value of f while x vary, for example, f(x)=2x+3, when x=1, then f=5 etc