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Logarithms, for which you would need tables.

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Q: Is there an easy way to work out 30 to the power of 6 without a calculator?
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No, because the calculator is solared power so which means that the calculator will only work in a room that has light or it can also work outside during the day when the sun is out

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Power = Work/Time Time = Work/Power Work = Power * Time See related links for a power calculator. Insert work and time to calculate power.

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A mortgage calculator is usually easy to use. Most financial instituations will offer this calculator to allow you to work out the cost of the loan to see if it is what you can afford.

What are Advantages of no calculators?

Being able to work without a calculator will give you a deeper understanding of maths and arithmetic, and the methods (either using your brain or on paper) used to reach a correct answer. A calculator won't show you how to work the calculation, but will give an answer at the touch of a button or two. It is best to learn without a calculator first, before relying on a calculator.

How do you work in calculator?

Work Done = Force x Distance = Power / Time = (Force x speed)/Time

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put in ( 29 divided by 37 ) then the power sign then 42

The world is better or worse without the calculator?

Same like our fingers, brains of people are different from each other. Not everyone's brain work efficiently so, the world would be worse without a calculator. Calculator makes calculations much easier.

How do you know what your body is doing?

Go on line and search for a body mass calculator or BMI. The steps are very easy, just plug in your height and weight and the calculator will do all the work.

How do you work out 5 percent of 360 without using a calculator?

360 x 5 % = 18.00 to calculate without the use of a calculator. 360 x 10 = 36 / 2 (which would be 5%) = 18