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Q: Is there personification in the story the smallest dragonboy?
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The smallest dragonboy setting story where and whan?

no where. read the story to find out :)

What do dragonriders give their dragons to help them breathe fire in the Smallest Dragonboy story?

In "The Smallest Dragonboy" story, dragonriders give their dragons a special drink made from lime juice, salt, and crushed hot peppers to help them breathe fire. The drink is known as "firestone."

What is an Impression in the story the smallest dragonboy?

In "The Smallest Dragonboy," an impression is a mark left on the ground by the dragonriders' dragons during the dragonsearch. The dragonriders observe these impressions to determine which candidate will be chosen as a new dragonrider. The impression left by the smallest dragon, K'dor, ultimately leads to his selection as a dragonrider.

How are dragonriders chosen in the smallest dragonboy story?

the dragon rider touch the eggs of the dragons , and the dragons who chose their companion

What is the main idea of the smallest dragonboy?

the main idea of the story is that keevan was the youngest dragonboy and everyone douted upon him but when you llisten to ur elders and keep ur head high you will reach the sky

What threatens the people of Pern in smallest dragonboy?


How old is keevan from the smallest dragonboy?

twelve 12 twelve 12

What is the outcome of The smallest dragonboy by?

"The Smallest Dragonboy" by Anne McCaffrey is a short story about a young boy named Keevan who aspires to become a dragonrider. Despite facing challenges and discrimination for his size, Keevan proves his bravery and earns the respect of his peers when he stands up to a bully and impresses the dragons, ultimately getting chosen by one to become a dragonrider.

Why is keevan the underdog in the smallest dragonboy?

If you mean the story I think you do (it's been over 3 decades since I've read it), the title might give you a clue.

What is the setting of The Smallest Dragonboy?

on the planet of Pern in imaginary world in outer space.

Why were the great winged dragons created in the smallest dragonboy?

to protect the planet from outside attacks

What are beterlis character traits in the smallest dragonboy?

In "The Smallest Dragonboy," Beterlis is portrayed as determined, resilient, and courageous. Despite his small size and the ridicule he faces from others, he remains focused on his goal of becoming a dragonrider and proves his worth through his bravery and perseverance.