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No, volume and mass are related but they are not the same. As an example, 1 liter of water has a mass of 1 kg whereas 1 liter of Mercury has a much higher mass. Mathematically, Mass divided by volume is equal to density. Mass has units of Kg and volume has units of m3.

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Q: Is volume and mass the same thing?
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What is the same with mass and volume?

Any volume of non-vacuum anything has mass. Any mass has volume. Both mass and volume have an 'm' in the word. Other than that, they are not at all the same thing.

Are volume and mass the same thing?

If they were, then we would not need two different words for the same thing.

When mass decreases what does volume do?

Assuming you are talking about the same thing, this can be shown through the density equation: Mass = Density by volume. Assuming density stays the same, if mass decreases, volume should proportionally decrease

What we called thing that has volume and mass?

If it has volume and mass, we call it matter.

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Density is not affected by gravity. Density is affected by mass and volume, such that density = mass/volume. Weight, but not mass, is affected by gravity. Weight and mass are not the same thing.

Are mass and volume the exact same thing?

mass is how much somthing weighs and volumes is how much liquid an object can hold

All samples of pure water have the same mass?

There is a thing called heavy water. It is pure water that has a deuterium in it known as D20 instead of H20. It is pure but does not have the same mass.

If two objects have the same mass can you assume they have the same volume Explain give example?

Two objects has got same mass means the mass of both the objects is same. It does not comment any thing about the volume of the objects. If the density of the two objects is same, then only their volume will be same. If both the objects are not made up of the same material, they have most likely to have different volume. Rarely it may be same.

Are kiloliters and kilograms the same thing?

No, kiloliters is a measure of volume (usually liquid) and kilograms is weight or mass.

Why do two samples with the same substance with the same volume HAVE to have the same mass?

Because they are of the same substance they have the same density density = mass/volume

Why can two objects with the same mass have different densities?

Volume. Density depends on mass and volume. Density = mass/volume. Things that have the exact same mass can have different densities if the volume associated with either are different.

If A sponge and a brick that are the same size they have the same what?

no; they have the same volume but their mass is quite different; density is mass/volume and the sponge has much lower density