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he invented the compass

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Q: Isaac Newton's contributions to science and mathematics?
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Related questions

What was Isaac Newtons science of area?

The science area that Isaac Newton worked in was Physics. He also did a little bit in mathematics.

Isaac Newton field of science?

Isaac newtons first field of study was the discovery of gravity

What was isaac newtons contrabution to mathematics?

Newton "invented" "applied mathematics" and calculus.

How is Isaac Newtons mathematics beneficial?

it helps us to do it now

Why are the units for measuring called newtons?

They are named after Sir Isaac Newton, who did important contributions to physics.

What did newton studying?

Isaac newton is a mathematician and a physicist, it is obvious that he has been studying mathematics and science.

What was Isaac Newtons are of expertise in science?

Physics, especially momentum and action & reaction.

Why is isaac newtons discovery important?

He, along with his contemporaries, laid the foundations for modern science.

What were sir Isaac newtons occupation?

Isaac Newton was not a farmer. He was however a: mathematics alchemist astronomer minister

What was Isaac Newtons most important contribution to science?

His major contribution was the discovery of the principle of gravity on Earth and on other celestial bodies.

What branch of science did Isaac Newton study?

Isaac Newton 's branch of science was a physicist

Is Isaac Newton a scientist?

NO!!! He WAS a scientist. NO 'is' grammatically incorrect. He was Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University.