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If the two halves are identical then the line is a line of symmetry and is also a bisector.

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Q: Line that splits a pentagon in half?
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What splits the earth in half but it is invisible?

The equator is an invisible line that splits the world in half.

How would you use equator in a sentence?

The equator splits up half of the earth. The equator is a line that splits half of the earth

What is bisect?

A bisect splits something completely in half whether it is an angle, a line, or whatever

How many lines of symmetry dose the letter A have?

one. It is a vertical line of symmetry which splits the A in half.

What is the invisible line that splits the Earth in half?

The Equator is the primary one, but any line of longitude will split the Earth into two equal halves.

How do you draw a pentagon with no line of symetry?


Does every angle have a vertex?

Every angle has a vertex. A vertex is simply the line through the center of each angle. The line splits the angle exactly in half.

Does a pentagon always have perpindicular line segements?

No. A regular pentagon has no perpendicular line segments

Is a pentagon a perpendicular line?

No, a pentagon is a polygon with 5 sides.

What shape do you get when you cut a pentagon in half?

when you cut a pentagon in half you create a trapizoid

Is a equator a invisible line that splits earth in half?

The equator is an imaginary circular line around the entire earth, with the center of the circleat the center of the earth.Any circle that has its center at the center of the earth divides the earth's surface exactly in half.

What shape does a hexagon make when cut in half?

If divided by a vertex-to-vertex line, it is an isosceles trapezium. If divided by a line from one side to the opposite side, it will make an irregular pentagon.