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Materials that do not allow electric currents to pass are called insulators.

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Q: Materials that do not allow electric changes?
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What are materials that allow electric charges to move easily?

I know that one is a Conductor

Which type of materials allow the charges of an electric current to move freely through them?

Conductors, such as metals.

Material that does not allow an electric charge to pass trough it?

An insulator will not allow much current to pass. There is a large quantity of insulating materials. There are no perfect insulators or conductors.

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non-conductive resistors are resistors made from materials which do not allow the passage or flow of electric current through them.

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Electric current flows in conducting materials such as metals. The best conductor of electric current is silver, followed closely by copper and then aluminium.

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A materiel that allows an electric charge to pass through it is an conducter (copper, for example)

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