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The answer to the question: Is [elementary] algebraic addition distributive over multiplication ? is generally NO of course. The word "generally" implies that the answer could be YES in certain circumstances. [The distribution of multiplication over addition may be taken as always true.]

Where the subject of this question is true, then it is found that a relationship exists between the algebraic variables. Consider the equation:

a + b.c = [a + b].[a + c] [This equation is not generally true as is found by substituting any values for a, b and c.] However multiplying out the right side gives: a + b.c = a**{2} + a.c + b.a + b.c Cancelling the term b.c enables us to solve for the variable: a in terms of the variables: b and c. We find that:

a = 1 - b - c . There are clearly an infinite number of possible values of a for pairs of b and c.

Note that if b and c are uneven integers, then a is also an uneven integer.

Check: set b = 5, c = 7, then a = - 11 from the answer given.

Now a + b.c = - 11 + 35 = 24 and [a + b] = - 6 and [a + c] = - 4 so that:

[a + b].[a + c] = [- 6].[- 4] = 24 .

A similar result can be found for the distribution of subtraction over multiplication and moreover these examples can be made much more general.

In the case of subtraction, an uneven number of factors are needed to cancel the multiplicative term b.c.d on the left, thus:

a - b.c.d = [a - b].[a - c].[a - d]

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Q: Multiplication distributes over subtraction and addition?
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What does it mean to say multiplication distributes over addition and subtraction?

SOMeThingZ ;O

What does it mean that multiplication distributes over addition and subtraction?

It means that A*(B+C) = A*B + A*C and similarly for subtraction.

What does it mean to say that multiplication distributes over addition and subtraction?

Usually the distributive property of multiplication over addition is considered:a(b+c) = ab + acHowever, since subtracting is the same as adding the additive inverse, it is valid for subtraction as well:a(b-c) = ab - ac

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addition and subtraction * * * * * No. The distributive property applies to two operations, for example, to multiplication over addition or subtraction.

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The distributive property of multiplication OVER addition (or subtraction) states that a*(b + c) = a*b + a*c Thus, multiplication can be "distributed" over the numbers that are inside the brackets.

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Multiplication can be the first step when using the distributive property with subtraction. The distributive law of multiplication over subtraction is that the difference of the subtraction problem and then multiply, or multiply each individual products and then find the difference.

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Is multiplication distributive over subtraction?


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The distributive property is applicably to the operation of multiplication over either addition or subtraction of numbers. It does not apply to single numbers.

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