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Q: Multiplying by a negative number flips the graph of a function?
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Multiplying by a negative number flips the graph of a function over the -axis?


When is the only time you flip an inequality sign?

When you divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number, the inequality sign flips.

Which operation flips the graph of a function over the x-axis?

Multiply by -1

How do you know it's a right angle?

it has opposite recipicals it goes negative to positive and slopes flips

What is the effect on a graph when you multiply a function by -1?

When a function is multiplied by -1 its graph is reflected in the x-axis.

Does the inequality sign change with equations?

the inequality sign will only change in an equation if you are multiplying or dividing by a negative number... for example if you have the equation -1x+2>3 you would subtract by 2 you would have -1x>1 the next step is -1x>1 -1 -1 your dividing by -1 so the sign flips from greater than to less than (it can go less than to greater than too) and your final answer would be x<-1

How do you reflect over x axis when y is negative?

When you reflect around the x-axis, the sign of every y-coordinate changes.If the point started out above the x-axis, it flips under ... positive 'y' becomes negative.If it started out under the x-axis, it flips above ... negative 'y' becomes positive.

What is the probability of two consecutive different coin flips?

The probability is 1/2 if the coin is flipped only twice. As the number of flips increases, the probability approaches 1.

What is the probability of a coin landing heads up on two consecutive flips?

In an infinite series of flips it is 1 = a certainty.In only two flips it is 1/4.In an infinite series of flips it is 1 = a certainty.In only two flips it is 1/4.In an infinite series of flips it is 1 = a certainty.In only two flips it is 1/4.In an infinite series of flips it is 1 = a certainty.In only two flips it is 1/4.

How many syllables does flips have?

"Flips" has one syllable.

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When was Monkee Flips created?

Monkee Flips was created in 1966.