

Best Answer

If one meter is equal to 3.28 feet, then to find the number of feet in 30 meters you can multiply 30 by 3.28 to get the answer of 98.4 feet.

However, one meter is only "approximately" equal to 3.28 feet. The actual foot length of a meter is closer to 3.28083989501312 feet, and multiplying 30 meters by the more accurate 3.28083989501312 foot equivalent gives you the 30 meter foot equivalent of:

98.4251968503936 feet

or 98 feet, 3.3700787401575 inches

(For most applications indicating that a decimal has been rounded to 13 spaces is not necessary, as most manufacturing relies on measurement increments of 1/1000 to 5/1000 of an inch or greater, and most construction relies on measurement increments of 1/16 of an inch or greater, and most survey and grading relies on measurement increments of 1 inch or greater, and to achieve an accurate measurement with a degree of accuracy beyond 1/1000 of an inch you'd need some pretty sophisticated measuring equipment that is not affected by changes in temperature or humidity like a regular ruler or tape measure are, and though I haven't seen such equipment in use, it may exist.)

You could also represent 30 meters as 98 feet, 3 37/100 inches (rounded),

or you could represent the measurement with the commonly known and used measurement fractions of "16ths" and "32nds" of an inch to say that "30 meters can be represented in feet as being between 98 feet, 3 5/16 inches and 98 feet, 3 9/32 inches"

Depending on how accurate your measurements need to be, you could also say that 30 meters is equal to 98.425 (rounded) feet.

Hope that helps

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