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Q: Percents can be changed into decimals by moving the decimal two places to the?
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How to change percents to decimals?

You can change a percent to a decimal by moving the decimal it has two places to the left. Ex. 134.72% = 1.3472 Ex. 57% = 0.57 Ex. 239% = 2.39

What percent is 0.00001?

You convert decimals to percents by multiplying the number by 100 or by simply moving the decimal point to the right 2 places. This would make the answer .001%.

What is 0.405 in percent?

40.5% To transfer decimals to percents just multiple the decimal by 100 and add the percent sign (%). (The same is achieved by moving the decimal point two places to the right and adding a percent sign (%): 0.405 => 4.05 => 40.5 => 40.5%.)

How is 0.45 written as a percent?

45% To transfer decimals to percents just multiple the decimal by 100 and add the percent sign (%). (The same is achieved by moving the decimal point two places to the right and adding a percent sign (%): 0.45 => 4.5 => 45 => 45%.)

How do you convert 83 percent into a decimal?

0.83 To convert percents to decimals just divide the percent by 100 and remove the percent sign (%). (The same is achieved by removing a percent sign (%) and moving the decimal point two places to the left: 83% => 83 => 8.3 => 0.83.)

How are a decimal and a percent the same?

both signify a part of a whole. percentages are based on 100 being 1 so 100% is 1 whole thing. 1 whole thing with decimals is 1.00. You can change from decimals to percentages by moving the decimal 2 places to the right and percentages to decimals by moving the decimal 2 places to the left.

How do you multiply decimals by 1000?

moving the decimal 3 place to the right 1000 have 3 zeros.

What is the step of dividing decimals by decimals?

Eradicate the decimal point by moving it to the right as for example 7.5 divided by 2.5 is the same as 75 divided by 25 which equals 3

What is 32.5 in decimal form?

If you mean 32.5% as a decimal, the answer is 0.325. To convert percentages to decimals divide by 100, which visually looks like you are moving the decimal point two places to the left, although that isn't technically correct.

What is 0.061 as a percent?

Whenever converting between decimals and percents, all you will do is move the decimal point over two spaces. To know which direction, think of the order in the alphabet the first letter of the words, decimal and percent, will be. D will be on the left and P will be on the right. If you're converting from a decimal to a percent, that means you are going from D to P. You will be moving right. Therefore, move the decimal two spaces to the right. 0.061 becomes 6.1, so the answer is 6.1%. (If you were converting from percent to decimal, you would be going from P to D, so you would move it two spaces to the left.)

What is a percent of a dollar?

A quarter is 25% of a dollar. a quarter is 25 cents out of a dollar, and a dollar is 100 cents. Therefore a quarter is 25 cents/100 cents. This fraction simplifies to 1/4. To transform a fraction into a decimal, you have to divide the numerator (the top number) by the denominator (the bottom number). One divided by four is 0.25. Decimals can be turned into percents simply by multiplying them by 100, or moving the decimal point two places to the right. This brings us to our answer, 25%.

What is a quarter percent of a dollar?

A quarter is 25% of a Dollar.