

Quadratic equation x2-7x equals 60

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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x2 - 7x = 60

x2 - 7x - 60 = 0

(x - 12) (x + 5) = 0

x = 12 or x = -5

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Q: Quadratic equation x2-7x equals 60
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This is a quadratic expression in x. It cannot be solved because it is an expression: there is no equation to solve. Furthermore, the discriminant for the quadratic = (-10)2 - 4*3*(-5) = 100+60 = 160 which is not a square number. There are, therefore no rational factors. While it would be possible to give irrational factors, factorising a quadratic into linear terms containing irrational numbers is rarely useful.

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Let the width be x and the length be y: xy = 60 2x+2y = 38 Divide all terns in the bottom equation by 2: xy = 60 x+y = 19 => x = 19-y Substitute the value of x in the bottom equation into the top equation: (19-y)y = 60 19y-y2 = 60 Rearrange the equation into a quadratic: -y2+19y-60 = 0 Solve by factoring or with the help of the quadratic equation formula: (-y+4)(y-15) = 0 So y = 15 or y = 4 it must be the former because it's larger Therefore: width = 4 cm and length = 15 cm