There is no special name for such a shape.
, I will tell you how to get the area of a quadrilateral... First, you take the height of the shape( quadrilateral ). Next, take the bottom line of the shape. Finnaly, you times the height by the bottom line and you get the area! Now, you can brag to your friends...
a quadrilateral
A general quadrilateral or a kite.
A diamond or a quadrilateral.
It is a rhombus.
The geometric quadrilateral shape (a parallelogram of diamond shape) is spelled "rhombus".
a square a rectangle a rhombus and a diamond
Any quadrilateral. A vertice is the mathematics term for 'corner' so a square, diamond, rectangle, or any other quadrilateral.
the shape of an outfield in baseball is a half diamond.
A rhombus is a equalateral quadrilateral. It is a leaning square or a side ways diamond.
No, diamond is not a triangle shape. Diamond is a four-sided figure with two pairs of parallel sides that are not equal in length. It is more commonly described as a rhombus shape, which is a type of quadrilateral.
a quadrilateral is a shape with four sides... aka a square, rhombus, diamond, rectangle etc
A quadrilateral. There are numerous quadrelaterals including a square, a rectangle, a diamond etc
A diamond because a baseball field is a diamond shape