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If she reads 150 pages in 5 hours, her reading rate is 1/2 page a minute or 30 pages per hour.

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Q: Read150 pages in 5 hours what is her reading rate in pages per minute?
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It is 1.5 pages per minute or 2/3 minutes per page.

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0.6 pages per minute.

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0.44 pg/mm

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It would take the person approximately 67 minutes to read 100 pages if they can read 1.5 pages in 1 minute.

How can you read 80 pages in a hour?

To read 80 pages in an hour, you will need to read at a pace of approximately 1.33 pages per minute. This speed may vary depending on your reading comprehension and the complexity of the material. To achieve this, you can try techniques like skimming, scanning, and focusing on key information.

Is reading 200 pages in 30 minutes normal?

Not all pages are equally easy to read, but assuming average type pages, then reading 200 pages in 30 minutes is extremely fast. An average reader would require several hours to read 200 pages.

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80 pages in 2 hours is equivalent to 40 pages in 1 hour. So the unit rate is 40 pages/hour The formula for rate is distance divided by time.