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Q: Round and round and round it goes the source but not the birth of clothes?
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What in medivel times Round and round and round it goes the source but not the birth of clothes wench and warrior child and crone without it dressed near barer bone?

A spinning wheel!

What in medieval days round and round and round it goes the source but not the birt of clothes Wench and warrior child and crone without it dressed near bared bones?


What structure becomes the round ligament in the liver after birth?

The round ligament in the liver after birth is known as the ligamentum teres hepatis. It is a fibrous cord that represents the obliterated remnant of the fetal umbilical vein.

Why did Egyptians were clothes?

the same reason we humans wear clothes. i mean why wouldn't they wear clothes. i don't think they want to go round naked. would you want to go roaming round the streets in your nude. i didn't think so.

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How does a machine works?

by spinnign round and around, then Amy stack drys he clothes off.

What is the average amount of money spent on clothes per person?

Round 1200 annually!

Katherine barlow date of birth and death?

Round about 1870 her birth and her death about 1910 when she dies laughing.

What is the birth name of Fred Emney?

Fred Emney's birth name is Frederick Patrick Round Emney.

Does Skillet sing Round and Round?

no, skillet doesn't sing round and round

How does the world go round and round?

It goes round and round because of gravity.