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July 20, 2010

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Q: Someone born July 20 1974 in China what would be that persons birthday be in 2010?
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What should you reply if someone said that are you desperately waiting for your birthday or someone else birthday?

I would ask them another question, why did they think that?

How old would someone be if they were born in 1973?

Assuming someone had already had their birthday, taking this year as 2010, they would be 37 years old. If they had not yet had their birthday, they would be 36 years old.

What is a simple birthday party to do?

A simple birthday party would at someone's house with music, food, and cake.

What is an enclosure notation?

The word birthday need not be capitalized, but if someone's birthday is, for example, February 6th then the month is capitalized. Birthday should be capitalized when it is the first word in a sentence. It will also be capitalized if it is a proper noun. An example would be if someone's name was Birthday Jones, that would be capitalized.

What is Enclosure notation?

The word birthday need not be capitalized, but if someone's birthday is, for example, February 6th then the month is capitalized. Birthday should be capitalized when it is the first word in a sentence. It will also be capitalized if it is a proper noun. An example would be if someone's name was Birthday Jones, that would be capitalized.

How Old Would someone be if they were born 25.12 5bc?

They would be approaching their 2015th birthday !

How do you celebrate a dead persons birthday?

the best way would probably be to have a celebratory drink and raise your glasses in a toast to the deceased

Why would someone want to make Maryland their home?

I don't know that is the persons opinion idiot

What was the persons name who decided the date for Christmas would be on decenber 25?

The origin of Christmas is Jesus Christ's Birthday. No one decided it, it was Christ's birthday. Thus, the name Christ- mas

Why are you 8 years old?

Someone would be 8 years old if they are past their 8th birthday and before their 9th birthday.

If you were born in 1973 how old would you be?

Someone born in 1973 will turn 38 on his birthday in 2011, and 39 on his birthday in 2012.

Why would someone dump you on your birthday?

cuz he/she doesn't wanna give you a gift