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Q: Ten times the perimeter of a square is 360 yards find the length of each side of the square?
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What is the perimeter of a square with the side length of 4.8 yards?

Perimeter = 4*4.8 = 19.2 yards

What is the length of the side of a square whose perimeter is 300 yards?

Since a square has four sides of equal length, divide the perimeter measurement by four: 300 / 4 = 75 yards.

What is the perimeter of a square with an area of 5000 square yards?

The perimeter of a square with an area of 5,000 square yards is: 282.8 yards

What is the perimeter of 22 acres?

It depends on the shape. 22 acres =106480 sq yards. If it is a perfect square, with all sides equal and all angles right angled, the length of the sides will be equal to the square root of 106480 = 326.31 yards, so the perimeter will be four times this = 1305.25 yards. If it is a long rectangle, the perimeter will be bigger. A circle gives the smallest perimeter possible.

What is the perimeter of a 50 yards wide and 100 yards long in square feet?

Perimeter is 300 yards. This is a length and is not measured in square feet which measure area. The area of this in square feet is 150 x 300 ie 45000 sq ft

What is the perimeter of a square that is 4 square yards?

A square that has an area of four square yards would be two square yards on a side. Thus, the perimeter of such a square would be a total of eight yards.

How do you find square yards if measurements in yards?

Multiply the length times the width.

The perimeter of a square with the length of 15 feet is equal to the perimeter of a regular pentagon What is the length of one side of the pentagon in yards?

A regular pentagon has a perimeter of 5s. We set this equal to 15, and solve for s, and convert to yards.5s = 15s = 33 feet converted to yards is 3/3 = 1 yard.

A square has an area of 121 square yards what is the perimeter?

44 yards.

What is the perimeter of 42 yards?

None. 42 yards is a length with no width. Therefore it cannot have a perimeter.

The length of a rectangular room is six times as long as the width the perimeter is 84 yards find the length?

Length + width = ½ perimeter, ie 42 yards or 126 feet. L = 6 W so w = 126/7 = 18 feet and length is 108 feet ie 36 yards.

What is circumference of 5 acres?

5 acres = 24,200 sq yards. If this is a circle, d = 175.5 yards, and circumference = 551.5 yards. Any other shape will have larger perimeter. If it is a square for instance, side of square will be 155.56 yards so perimeter will be four times this = 622.25 yards.