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Binary numbers should start with 1 as 0 means that there is nothing in the column. So 00000111 is really just 111, which is the binary equivalent of the number 7

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Q: The binary number 00000111 is what number?
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Which decimal number corresponds with binary number 00000111?


Which decimal number corresponds to the binary number 00000111?


2 what decimal numbers corresponds to the binary number 00000111?

A binary number should start with 1. So 00000111 is really just 111, which equals 7

Decimal numbers correspond to the binary number 00000111?

It is 7.

What is the sum in binary of 00000111 plus 00001110?

00000111 + 00001110 = 00010101

What does the binary number 00000111 Equal?

4 + 2 + 1 ie 7

Which of the decimal numbers corresponds to the binary number 00000111?

As per the 8421 rule the given binary number can be solved as : 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 1 i.e : 4+2+1 = 7 So the answer is 07 in decimal for 00000111 in binary

Which binary number corrresponds to 00000111 decimal?

IF you are asking what that binary number is in decimal form... it would be 7. The question though seems to be asking waht that decimal number is in binary. You want to know what 111 is in binary? 1101111. Try using google. "111 in binary" as a search phrase gives you the answer.

How do you write a C program to convert a binary value to its octal equivalent?

To convert from binary to octal, bitwise AND the binary value with 0x8 (00000111 in binary) and push the value onto a stack. Right-shift (>>) the binary value by 3 bits and repeat until the binary value is zero. Pop the stack to build the left-to-right digits of the octal value. Using 10110100 as an example: 10110100 & 00000111 = 00000100 10110100 >> 3 = 00010110 00010110 & 00000111 = 00000110 00010110 >> 3 = 00000010 00000010 & 00000111 = 00000010 00000010 >> 3 = 00000000 Popping the values in order reveals 00000010, 00000110 and 00000100 (decimal 2, 6 and 4 respectively). Thus 10110100 binary is 0264 octal.

What is the decimal number for 00000111?


What is 00000111?

00000111 = 111

What is the control word for 8255 PPI in BSR mode to set bit PC3?

it's 00000111 binary = 07 H