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If the higher is 3 times the lower, the difference must be twice the lower so the numbers are 8 and 24.

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Q: The difference of two positive numbers is 16. One number is 3 times the other. Find the two numbers?
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Why is a negative number less than a positive number?

A negative number is defined as a number that is less than zero. Positive numbers, on the other hand, are more than zero. You can see that positive numbers are greater than negative numbers because they are all above zero, which negative numbers are not.

Why are all even numbers composite except for the number two?

Composite numbers are numbers composed of 2 or more primes. 2 is a prime number. Any other (positive) even number is a product of 2 and some other number (not 1).

When dividing negative number by a positive number what is the results?

A negative number divided by a positive number will be a negative number. For example: -20 / 4 = -5 -100 / 2 = -50 Here are the other cases of division by positive or negative numbers. A negative number divided by a negative number would be a positive number. A positive number divided by a positive number would be a positive number. A positive number divided by a negative number would be a negative number.

Why does a positive number and a negative number cancel each other out?

The range of the numbers from 0 is what additively cancels the different values

Why is square root of the number -9 not a real number?

For the same reason that the square root of ANY negative number is not a real number.Real numbers are positive, negative, or zero. * The square of a positive number is a positive number. * The square of a negative number is a positive number. * The square of zero is zero. In other words, in no case will you get a REAL number whose square is a negative number. The square roots of negative numbers are said to be "imaginary" - a name given for historical reasons. They are just as "real" or "unreal" as the so-called real numbers, but the point is that they are a different kind of numbers.

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One positive number is one-fifth of another number The difference between the two numbers is 120 find the numbers?

Call the numbers 'x' and '5x'.5x - x = 1204x = 120x = one number = 30The other number is 150.

What are the composite numbers numbers?

A composite number is a positive integer that has a positive divisor other than one or itself. In other words a composite number is any positive integer greater than one that is not a prime number.

How can you decide if the difference of two numbers is positive negative or zero without actually calculation the difference?

WHOEVER ANSWERED THIS PREVIOUSLY HAS NO IDEA WHAT WE ARE ALL TALKIN ABOUT , OBVIOUSLY * * * * * Ok, here is someone who might know. If the first number is bigger than the second, the difference is positive; If the first number is the same as the second, the difference is zero; and If the first number is smaller than the second, the difference is negative.

How is a negative integer less then any positive integer?

Because positive numbers are to the right of negative numbers on the number line. If you have two numbers, one the negative of the other, and you add the positive to the negative, you get zero. If you add the positive to zero, you get a positive number. So positive numbers are an increase from zero, which is an increase from negative numbers. A negative number may have a greater absolute value than a positive number, but it will always be less than a positive number.

What numbers are composite number?

A composite number is a positive integer that has a positive divisor other than one or itself.

What two negative numbers equal positive one?

Any two negative numbers multiplied by each other will result in a positive number.Any two negative numbers multiplied by each other will result in a positive number.Any two negative numbers multiplied by each other will result in a positive number.Any two negative numbers multiplied by each other will result in a positive number.Any two negative numbers multiplied by each other will result in a positive number.Any two negative numbers multiplied by each other will result in a positive number.Any two negative numbers multiplied by each other will result in a positive number.Any two negative numbers multiplied by each other will result in a positive number.Any two negative numbers multiplied by each other will result in a positive number.Any two negative numbers multiplied by each other will result in a positive number.Any two negative numbers multiplied by each other will result in a positive number.

Why is a negative number less than a positive number?

A negative number is defined as a number that is less than zero. Positive numbers, on the other hand, are more than zero. You can see that positive numbers are greater than negative numbers because they are all above zero, which negative numbers are not.

What do two postives equal?

Depends. Add two positives and the sum is positive. Divide two positives and the quotient is positive. Multiply two positives and the product is positive. Subtract two positives and the difference could be positive, negative or zero. If the two numbers are the same, the difference is zero. If one number is larger than the other and we subtract the smaller from the larger, the difference is positive. Subtracting the larger number from the smaller one gives a negative difference.

Are integers positive numbers?

No. you could have, for example, -4 or 4 (or any other minus or positive number). Both are integers.

What number is greater than 0?

any other positive numbers

Is every natural number is positive number?

No. Zero is a natural number but it is not positive. However, all other natural numbers are positive.

How do you find the range of a number set beginning with zero?

The range is defined as the difference between the largest and the smallest values. One of these is known to be 0. If all the other numbers are negative, then the range is the absolute value of the smallest number whereas if all the other numbers are positive, the range is the largest number.