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Any events occurring after the resolution

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Q: The events that occur after the resolution in a story?
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What is events that occur after a resolution in a story?

The lesson Learned

What word means any events that occur after the resolution of the story's plot?

Falling action

What term is defined ass the sequential pattern of events as they occur in a story?

The term defined as the sequential pattern of events as they occur in a story is "plot." The plot encompasses the arrangement of events in a narrative, including the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

Is falling action and resolution the same thing?

No, falling action and resolution are not the same thing. Falling action refers to the events that occur after the climax of a story, leading towards the resolution. The resolution is the point in the story where the conflict is resolved and loose ends are tied up.

What is any events that occurs after the resolution in a story?

Events that occur after the resolution in a story are typically referred to as the denouement. This is where loose ends are tied up, final outcomes are revealed, and the story comes to a full conclusion. It allows readers to see the aftermath of the main conflict and how the characters move forward.

When does the resolution occur?

The resolution occurs at the end of the story or plot when the main conflict is resolved, and any unanswered questions or issues are addressed. It provides closure for the narrative and reveals the outcome of the events that have unfolded.

Which of these is the best example of fragmentation?

A story with disjointed events - apex

What best describes plot?

A+ the sequential pattern of events as they occur in a story.

How is the falling action different from the conclusion?

The falling action leads to the resolution or conclusion of the play

What is the order in which the events of a story happen?

Complication, climax, resolution, exposition

What is the order in which the events in a story happen?

Complication, climax, resolution, exposition

What is events that occur after the resoulution in a story?
