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Q: The first Western philosopher to write a systematic account of logic was?
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WHO IS The first Western philosopher to write a systematic account of logic?


The first Greek philosopher?

The first Greek philosopher was "Thales".

Which was the first university established in the world?

The Greek philosopher Plato founded An Academy in 386 BC which became a significant influence on western thought.

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The first strategy is to start as early as you can to save for retirement. Once you've established an account make regular systematic deposits.

Where and when philosophy are made?

Western philosophy started about 600 B.C. in the city of Miletus in Ionia (where Turkey is today). Thales is traditionally called the first philosopher.

What happened in Gringotts on July 31st in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

Harry Potter first visited his account and saw his fortune. Rubeus Hagrid removed the Philosopher's Stone shortly before Professor Quirrel attempted to steal it.

Who is a non philosopher?

A non philosopher is a person that does not believe in philosophy. This is a concept that was first developed by Francios Laruelle, a French philosopher.

Who is considered to be the founder of western philosopy?

Thales of Miletus has been regarded since antiquity as the first western philosopher. He was the founder of what came to be known as the Ionian school of natural philosophy. He was a Milesian of Greek origin. He flourished around 580 B.C.E. .

Is the first Harry Potter the Philosopher's Stone or Chamber of Secrets?

The first one is called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

Who was the first philosopher to propose an ontological argument?

The first philosopher to propose an ontological argument is still up for debate. Some think that Greek philosophers, such as Plato, first argued it. The mainstream view is that the ontological argument was first developed by St. Anselm. Others believe that the Islamic philosopher Avicenna was the first, and may others view the philosopher Descartes as being the first.

First greek philosopher?


What did Aristotle do that was great?

Aristotle was the first philosopher who made a comparative study of 158 Greek city states and based on this comparison he tried to give a systematic and organised constitution. He gave the classification of government which is based on number & nature, after making the above comparative analysis.