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2w2 - 19w

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Q: The length of a rectangular classroom floor is 19 feet less than twice the width Which expression represents the area of the classroom floor 3w - 19 2w2 - 19 2w2 - 19w 6w - 38?
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There is no formula for calculating the volume of a classroom. A classroom's volume will be calculated based upon the shape of the room. If the classroom has the shape of a cube or rectangular prism, its approximate volume can be calculated by multiplying the length by the width by the height of the room.

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Is the mathematical definition of area LxWxH?

No, the area of a rectangle is just length x width. A rectangle has no height - it is a two-dimensional figure. Length x width x height represents the volume of a rectangular block.

What are rectangular dimensions?

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The unit to measure the length of a classroom?

metres would be the best way to work out the length of a classroom as centimetres are to small and kilometres are far to large