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negative 273.15

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Q: The lowest degree number in celsius?
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What degree Celsius does the Celsius scale start with?

The lowest temperature (absolute zero) on the Celsius scale is -273.15°

What is the lowest recorded temperature of NE?

-42 degree celsius

What is larger a Celsius degree or a Fahrenheit degree?

1 Degree of Celsius is larger. The number of degrees Fahrenheit between Water freezing (32) and boiling(212) is 180 degrees. The number of degrees Celsius is 100 degrees. So the Celsius degree has more value.

35 Celsius is equal to?

35 degree Celsius = 95 degree Fahrenheit 35 degree Celsius = 554.67 degree Rankine 35 degree Celsius = 28 degree Reaumur 35 degree Celsius = 308.15 kelvin

Which country has the lowest temperature less than zero degree Celsius?

Vostok, Antarctica has the lowet temperature than zero. the lowest temperature recorded here was -89.2c.

What is colder 17 degree Celsius or 30 degree Celsius?

17 degree celsius is colder.

What is the lowest Celsius degree could the liquid water reaches it?

Liquid water changes from a liquid to a solid at around 0oC.

What is differences between -degree Celsius and degree Celsius?

There is no difference between "degree Celsius" and "-degree Celsius." Both terminologies refer to the unit of temperature measurement known as Celsius, which is commonly used in scientific and everyday applications. The hyphen in "-degree Celsius" is not necessary and may be a typographical error.

Difference of Celsius degree and degree Celsius?

no difference

What is the difference of degree Celsius to Celsius degree?

No difference.

What is the different of degree Celsius to Celsius degree?

No difference.

What is different between degree Celsius and Celsius degree?

There is no difference between degree Celsius and Celsius degree. Both terms are used interchangeably to refer to a unit of temperature measurement on the Celsius scale.