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Q: The mean of 5 numbers is 39 if one number excluded this mean is 35 find the excluded number?
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The average of 5 numbers is 25 if one number is excluded the average becomes 25 the excluded number is?

The [mean] average of 5 numbers is 25, so their total is 5 x 25 = 125 The [mean] average of 4 numbers is 25, so their total is 4 x 25 = 100 → the excluded number is 125 - 100 = 25. Alternatively, as the average doesn't change, the excluded number must be the average, ie 25.

when the mean of ten numbers is fifteen If one of the observation is excluded the mean gets reduced by 2 the excluded number is?

132...^ i think this is wrong.reversing the operation, the sum of the original numbers must be 150.removing a number and reducing that mean value to 13 will make nine numbers that add up to 117.therefore the number that has been excluded will be the difference between the original and secondary values (150 - 117)the answer is 33.

How do you find the mean of a number?

You can easily find the mean of a group of numbers by getting the average. You can do that by simply adding up all of the numbers and then dividing that number by the number of numbers that you have.

Find the mean of a number?

Finding the mean (average) of a single number is pointless. It will always be the number. To find the mean of a set of numbers, total the numbers in the set and divide that total by the number of members of the set.

What is the mean of a number?

The mean of a number is the average of a group of numbers. To find the mean you must add up all of the numbers in a data set. Then you take that number and divide it by the number of numbers you have in the data set. This will give you the mean.

What is the mean for 64.1?

To find the mean, you add up all the numbers and divide that total by the number of numbers you have. With only one number, the mean will always be that number.

What is the mean of 78.1?

To find the mean, you add up all the numbers and divide that total by the number of numbers you have. With only one number, the mean will always be that number.

How do i find mean of a set numbers?

Add up the numbers, and then divide by the number of numbers in the set. This will give you the mean.

How do you find a mean of a set of numbers?

to find the mean of a set of numbers you have to find the total sum of the data divided by the number of addends in the data.

How do you find the mean of one big number?

Two numbers are needed to find a mean.

What is the meaning of a number mean?

The mean of a number is the average of a group of numbers. To find the mean you must add up all of the numbers in a data set. Then you take that number and divide it by the number of numbers you have in the data set. This will give you the mean.

Why is there a difference between mean and mode?

mode is the number that occurs the most and to find the mean/average, add all numbers, then divid that number by the number of numbers there were in your group of numbers.