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45°, 45°, and 90°

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Q: The measure of one interior angle in an isosceles triangle is 90 Degree. What are the measure of all three interior angles?
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In isosceles triangle WXY the interior angle W measures 100 degree. What is the measure of all three interior angles of triangle WXY?

100 degree, 40 degree and 40 degree.

Can you have an isosceles triangle with an interior angle of 1 degree?

of course you can why not its that simple

What degree does an isosceles triangle have?

An isosceles triangle has 3 interior angles that add up to 180 degrees two of which are equal in size.

Angles of isoceles triangle?

The interior angles of a triangle add up to 180. So a triangle with 3 equal sides (or angles) will have 60-degree angles. * * * * * True, but the question is about an isosceles triangle, not an equilateral triangle. The angles of an isosceles triangle are x, x and 180-2x degree where x is a measure between 0 and 90 degrees.

What kind of triangle has two 45 degree interior angles?

right triangle * * * * * Or, to be more precise, a right-angled isosceles triangle.

What does right isosceles mean?

An isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two sides of equal length. A right triangle has an interior angle of 90 degrees. A right isosceles triangle has both characteristics. The 90 degree angle will be the angle formed by the sides of equal length.

A triangle with an 50 degree anngle and a 80 degree angle?

It is an isosceles triangle because the third angle must measure 50 degrees

Does an isosceles triangle have a 90 degree angle?

An isosceles triangle can have a 90 degree angle, but doesn't necessarily. Similarly, a right triangle can be an isosceles triangle, but isn't necessarily.

Can a right triangle be an isosceles triangle?

Yes, a right triangle an be an isosceles triangle. The triangle will will have a 90 degree angle and two 45 degree angles. This is the only way a right angle triangle can also be an isosceles triangle.

Which is the measure of one interior angle of a regular triangle?

45 degree

What is the degree measure of each interior angle of a regular triangle?


What is the measure of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle with base angles measuring 30 degree?

120 degrees.