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No. "Voltage" is the difference of electric potential between two points ... the 'pressure'

that electrons would feel to move from one point to another if there's a conducting path.

The actual flow of electrons between two points is electric "current".

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Q: The movement of electrons between two points is called voltage?
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What is the movement of electrons between atoms is called?

It is called an electrical current.

The movement of electrons between atoms is called an?

electrical current

What is the movement of atoms between electrons?

It is called an electrical current.

Why do charges flow in wires?

Electronic charges will flow when a potential difference between the two locations, and an adequate path between them exists (with a low enough dielectric constant to allow the flow of charge - such as a wire). Electrons will move from here to there because there are "extra" electrons here, and there's some "missing" electrons there. Electrons have a specific charge. If you have "extra" electrons at one location relative to "missing" electrons at another location, you will have a negative voltage here, and a positive voltage (relative to here) there. This is called a potential difference (or voltage difference).

What are moving electrons called?

Moving electrons or other charged carriers is called electricity. The amount of electrical pressure pushing the electrons is called the voltage. The number of electrons moving past some point in a given time is called the current. Electrons are subatomic particles (smaller than atoms) called leptons.

The movement of electrons through a conductor is called?

The motion of electrons is called elecricity. Electricity is used to represent the liberated out put by the movement of electrons.

What does volt measure?

Voltage measures the electrical potential between two parts of an electrical circuit. Also called electromotive force. Voltage provides the 'pressure' to drive electrons round a circuit.

Is an electric current the movement of negative charges called electrons?

The force moving electrons in electricity is called resistance. The electrons move toward a path of least resistance. The current is the actual movement of the electrons in a specific direction.

WHAT IS An excessive amount of electrons at one end of a conductor and deficiency at the other?

Voltage <><><><><> Actually, an excess or deficit of electrons is called a charge. It is measured in coulombs. Voltage is joules per coulomb, meaning that voltage is energy per charge.

What is a movement of electrons along a conductor called?

It is called, "electric current", and is measured in "Amperes".

Is voltage the flow of electrons through a wire or a conductor?

The flow of electrons through a conductor is called electric current.The voltage is the 'pressure' or difference in electric potential between theends of the wire, that encourages each electron to try to move closer toone end and farther away from the other end.

What driving force which causes electrons to flow through conductors is called?
