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Then the value of z is 5

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Q: The product of a number z and 12 is 60?
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How many seconds in 74 days?

6393600 74 * 24 = number of hours or Y Y * 60 = number of minutes or X X * 60 = number of seconds or Z Z = 6393600

When a number is multiplied by a number and that same number again what is its name?

You could say it's "the product of number A and number B squared".For example,Let's call our two unknown numbers y and z.You're asking "what is y*z*z ?"Any number times itself is the number squared, so y*z*z = y*z^2Product means multiply, so y*z^2 is the product of y and z squared.Be careful though, as the sentence could be interpreted as (y*z)^2 rather than y*z^2. Perhaps it's even better to say "the product of y and the square of z".

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-4x + 6y - 5z = 60At the x-intercept, 'y' and 'z' are zero:-4x = 60 ===> x = -15At the y-intercept, 'x' and 'z' are zero:6y = 60 ===> y = 10At the z-intercept, 'x' and 'y' are zero:-5z = 60 ===> z = -12

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It is: 12*12*12 = 1728

What is z increased by 12 as a expression?

z + 12

What is the sum of z and 12?

z + 12

What are the cube roots of an imaginary number in trigonometric form?

z = y i where y is a real number 1: z^(1/3) = y^(1/3) (cos(30 deg) + i sin(30 deg)) 2: z^(1/3) = y^(1/3) (-sin(60 deg) + i cos(60 deg)) 3: z^(1/3) = y^(1/3) (- i)

7 times z reduced by a third of the product?

7 times z reduced by a third of the product

How can you write the product of a number and a sum as the sum of two products?

x*(y+z) = x*y + x*z This is the distributive property of multiplication over addition.

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