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where X is the old radius

((the new area - the old area) divided with the old area)

The area increases with 44%

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Q: The radius of a circle has increased by 20 percent By what percentage does the area increase?
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If a radius of a circle is increased by 10 percent by what percent does its area increase?

area goes as radius squared 1.1 x 1.1 = 1.21 or 21%

What happens to the area of a circle of its radius is increased by100 percent?

The area is increased by 300%.

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50 percent of diameter of a circle is the radius.

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The circumference is directly proportional to the radius. So increasing the radius by 50% causes the circumference to also increase by 50%.

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This question is unanswerable because it is not specified what is that is being taken as a percent of a circle.

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That depends what it is a percentage of. Assuming it is a percentage of a full circle, it is equal to 36/360 x 100 = 10 percent.

If radius is increased by 40 percent what will be the increase in area of that circle?

Suppose the original radius and area were A and r Then A = pi*r2 New area, B = pi*(r*1.40)2 = pi*1.96*r2 So percentage change in area = 100*(B-A)/A = 100*(B/A-1) = 100*(1.96-1) = 96%

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you need to quote the circumference to calculate the length of the arc or its percentage

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120 degrees is 33 and 1/3 percent of a circle.

How would you calculate the angle to show twenty percent on a circle graph?

Multiply the percentage by 3.6

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To convert a fraction to a percentage, do the division, and multiply by hundred - in this case, (3 / 5) x 100.

How do you take a circle and enlarge it by 150 percent?

Increase the radius sqrt(1.5) = 1.2247 times.