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Q: The statement formed by exchanging the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement?
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What is the statement that is found by switching the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement?

the .... of a conditional statement is found by switching the hypothesis and conclusion .

What is an inverse statement?

Given a conditional statement of the form:If "hypothesis" then "conclusion",the inverse is:If "not hypothesis" then "not conclusion".

What is a statement that switches the hypothesis and the conclusion of a conditional?

The statement in which the hypothesis becomes the conclusion and vice-versa is called the Converse.

What type of statement uses if a then b?

Hypothesis followed by a conclusion is called an If-then statement or a conditional statement.

What does converse statement mean?

Switching the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement.

The statement formed when you negate the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement?


The part of a conditional statement following the word then?

The part of a conditional statement that follows the word 'then' is the conclusion.

What statement is formed by both exchanging and negating the hypothesis and conclusion?

Biconditional statement

What is a statement that negates both the hypothesis and the conclusion of a given conditional statement?


The statement formed by negating both the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement?


What is the mathematical definition of inverse?

A manipulation of a conditional statement where the hypothesis and the conclusion are switched and negated.

What is the inverse of a conditional statement?

The statement formed when you negate the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement. For Example: If you had enough sleep, then you did well on the test. The inverse will be: If you didn't have enough sleep, then you didn't do well on the test.