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360 degrees

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Q: The sum of the measures of the 4 angles formed by intersecting lines is equal to?
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Two nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting line are called?

Two angles that aren't adjacent but are formed by intersecting lines are called vertical angles. Their angle measures are always equal.

What are opposite angles formed by two intersecting lines?

They're just called opposite angles, and they are congruent, or their measures are equal.

How are the adjacent angles formed by intersecting lines related?

the two adjacent angles formed by the intersecting lines will equal 180 degrees.

Two angles that are formed by intersecting angles and they are equal?

no unless they're perpendicular

The 2 nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting line are?

equal angles

Which pairs of angles are formed by two intersecting angles?

They are equal vertical opposite angles or 2 pairs of equal angles.

What angles are pairs of opposite and congreuent angles formed by intersecting lines?

Equal opposite angles.

Which pairs of angles are formed bt two intersecting lines?

equal vertical angles

Vertically opposite angles formed by two intersecting lines are always what?


What are angles that are opposite from one another made by intersecting lines and have equal measures?

I assume you are asking what such angles are called. The answer is, vertical angles.

What describes angles formed by 2 intersecting lines?

Opposite angles are equal. Adjacent angles add up to 180 degrees.

Can a pair of adjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines ever have equal measure?

Yes, if they intersect at right angles.