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(1+2+3)*4 = 6*4 = 24

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Q: The sum of three times a multiple of 4 and the next two multiples of 4 is 272 find the numbers?
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How many positive integers less than 1000 are multiples of 5 and equal to 9 times an even integer?

There are eleven such numbers.Get the common multiple of those numbers. All other common multiples will be multiples of this common multiple; that is, you can multiply the common multiple by 1, by 2, by 3, etc. to get additional numbers that are multiples of both numbers.

What are he first three multiples of 5 and 6?

5,10,15 6,12,18the above is true if you wanted the multiples of the numbers separately. If you were looking for the three first COMMON multiples of the numbers, they are...30, 60, 90.The first (or least common) multiple of two numbers is also equal to the product of the two numbers divided by the greatest common factor of the numbers. Since 5 is prime, and 6 is NOT a multiple of 5, then the greatest common factor is 1. Thus, the least common multiple is 30.To find the second multiple, take the first times 2, for the third, take the first times 3, etc......

What are the numbers that have 18 as a multiple?

The 18 times table shows multiples of 18.

What are multiples in maths?

Multiples are numbers that can be multiplied into such as:8 times 3 = 24. Therefore, 24 is a multiple of 8 and 3.

What is a common multiple?

A common multiple is a number that two or more other numbers can both go into. For example, a common multiple of 2, 4, and 6 would be 12.Not sure what you mean by a "comman" multiple, but a commonmultiple of a set of numbers is a number that is a multiple of each number in the set. That is, it is in the multiplication table of each of the numbers in the set. Note, though, that for this purpose, the multiplication tables do not stop at 10 times or 12 times.All numbers have multiples. Some numbers have some of the same multiples as other numbers. These are known as common multiples.18 is a multiple of 6.18 is a multiple of 9.18 is a common multiple of 6 and 9.All numbers have multiples. Some numbers have the same multiples as other numbers. These are called "common multiples."12 is a multiple of 3.12 is a multiple of 4.12 is a common multiple of 3 and 4.

What are the common multiples in the 6 times tables?

Since 6 is a multiple of 3, all of the numbers in the 6 times table will be contained in the 3 times table.

What are the next two common multiples?

Twice and three times as much as the previous common multiple respectively

Multiples of numbers?

adding same numbers or multiplying same numbers is actually the same 2+2+2+2+2+2 = 12 = 6 x 2 12 is a multiple of 2 (6 times) but also a multiple of 3,4 and 6

Will the numbers 100 appear in the 3 times table why or why not?

it will not since it is not a multiple of 3. 99 is a multiple of three so the next multiple would be 102.

What are the multiples of 3 to multiples of 5?

It is not possible it has to be an even number.Plus it has no times or division numbers.

What numbers is multiple of 4?

There is an infinite number of multiples of 4. Multiples of 4 can be 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, etc. 4 can be multiplied to get those numbers, and that makes them multiples of 4. 4 times 0 equals 0, 4 times 1 equals one, 4 times 2 equals 8, 4 times 3 equals 12, and so on.

What numbers are in the 16 times tables?

Multiples of 16.