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-52 & -11

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Q: The sum of two numbers is -63 The first number minus the second is -41?
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If you have a product of two numbers and you find the product of the opposites of the numbers you get the same result.?

yes. An opposite number is the negative of a positive number, for example -5 and +5 are opposite numbers. Since minus x plus is minus and plus x minus is minus and plus x plus is plus and minus x minus is plus then the product of opposites is the same.

What does a minus minus a minus equal?

If you mean subtracting a negative number from another negative, then you simply add the second negative to the first number. For example: -3 - (-4)=1 -3 + 4 = 1 The double negative makes the equation an addition.

How many 9 digit numbers are there?

well the first 9 digit number is 100 million 100,000,000 the last 9 digit number is 999 million 999,999,999 just minus the two numbers and you get... 899,999,999 so there are around 900 million 9 digit numbers.

Does a negative number minus a positive number equal a positive?

The simple answer to the question is no, under no circumstances. To work out the right answer for different combinations of signs, read on. When two signs are different, take the smaller number from the bigger number and keep the sign of the bigger number.Let's work out some examples...* minus one (-1) and (plus) another minus one, is minus two (-2) * minus one (-1) minus (take away) one, is also minus two (-2)So if you take away any positive number from a negative number, the result gets more and more negative as the value of the second number increases. Now let's try adding a positive number to a negative number...* minus two (-2) plus one (+1) = minus one (-1) * minus two (-2) plus two (+2) = zero (0) * minus two (-2) plus three (+3) = one (1)So adding a positive number to a minus number only equals a positive number when the value of the positive number is greater than the negative number.

When you square a minus number does it stay a minus?

No, it becomes a plus, since minus x minus = plus

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= The sum of two numbers is -42 the first number minus the second number is 52 Find the numbers? =

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Choose any number for the first number. Subtract 10 minus the number you chose to get the second number.

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Which pair of numbers has a sum of 100?

There are infinitely many solutions for that. Choose ANY number as the first number. The subtract 100 minus this number, to get the second number.

What to numbers tha can be added to make 43?

This, of course, has infinitely many solutions. Choose ANY number for the first number. Then, subtract 43 minus your first number, to get the second number.

How will you subtract whole numbers when the digits on the second numbers is longer than the first number?

Answer: you will just have a minus number Answer: You subtract the other way, and then put a minus sign in front. Example: 7 - 15 = - (15 - 7) = -8.

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x = 8, y = 5

The sum of two numbers is -63 the first number minus the second is -41 find the numbers?


What numbers add up to be negative 11?

Choose ANY number as the first number. Subtract -11 minus your number to get the second number.

If you have a product of two numbers and you find the product of the opposites of the numbers you get the same result.?

yes. An opposite number is the negative of a positive number, for example -5 and +5 are opposite numbers. Since minus x plus is minus and plus x minus is minus and plus x plus is plus and minus x minus is plus then the product of opposites is the same.

What is difference in algebra?

The difference between two numbers is the smaller number subtracted from the larger. This is the absolute value of the first number minus the second number. However, sometimes the term is used for the signed subtraction.