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primary structure

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Q: The three-dimensional shape of a polypeptide is associated with its?
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The characteristic globular shape of a polypeptide is?

A polypeptide is an organic polymer that consists of a large number of amino acids linked together in a chain. The shape of a polypeptide determines its function.

What is the name for round threedimensional object?

A sphere.

The arrangement of a polypeptide into a fibrous or globular shape is called its?

quaternary structure

Proteins with more than one polypeptide chain have what structure?

These have quaternary structure. This is the overall shape of all the chains combined. The 3D shape of one polypeptide chain is the tertiary structure.

The overall three-dimensional shape of a single polypeptide is called the?

It is called the tertiary structure.

What are oligomeric enzymes?

Contain 2 or more polypeptide chains associated by noncovalent forces.Homodimer , heterodimer or tetramer

A protein folded into a globular shape in having only one polypeptide chain has what structure?


Which shape is associated with Valentine's Day?

No other shape but the heart is associated with valentines day.

Why do they boil the proteins in western blot test?

Proteins are boiled to denature the proteins. Proteins are made of polypeptide chains, and are tightly folded into a three-dimensional shape within your cells. For a western blot, the protein must be denatured out of its folded shape so that it is only a long polypeptide chain.

Why polypeptide chains are always called as protein but Proteins are not always polypeptide chains?

Peptides (from the Greek πεπτίδια, "small digestibles") are short polymers formed from the linking, in a defined order, of α-amino acids. The link between one amino acid residue and the next is known as an amide bond or a peptide bond. Proteins are polypeptide molecules (or consist of multiple polypeptide subunits). The distinction is that peptides are short and polypeptides/proteins are long.

What determines the three-dimensional shape of enzymes?

Ultimately, the unique sequence of amino acids making up the primary polypeptide chain. The R group interactions give the protein it's tertiary shape.

Is antibody a Y-shape protein?

It is a T or Y-shaped monomer of 4 looping linked polypeptide chains