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Q: The time it takes to fill a tank varies directly with the volume of the tank If it takes 1 hour to fill a 400 gallon tank how long will it take to fill a 600 gallon tank?
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That varies by object Gallons are volume, pounds are weight. A gallon of oxygen is lighter than a gallon of oil.

Do a gallon of oil and a gallon of water takes same space?

Yes. A gallon is a unit of volume. Therefore, a gallon of anything will always take up the same space.

How much space a cubic gallon of water takes up?

One gallon of water takes up 231 cubic inches.

How much water does it take to fill a gallon?

Errrh, would it be a gallon of water?

How many gallons of sap are needed to make 1 gallon of syrup?

On average, it takes about 40 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of syrup. However, this can vary depending on the sugar content of the sap and the boiling process used.

How many liters it takes to be a gallon?

It takes 3.785 liters.

Does volume mean the it takes its shape?

No, volume is the amount of space something takes up.

What is the relationship between volume and density?

The higher the density the lower the volume and vice versa. Density is defined as mass per unit volume. Therefore, density is directly proportional to mas of the object and inversely proportional to the volume of the object. Therefore, as volume increases , density decreases and vice versa.

How many dimes can fit in a 5 gallon container?

5 gallons of what?you need to in the volume of a single dime and then find the volume of the container and divide that number into the volume of a single dime.AnswerFinding out how many dimes it takes to fill any container isn't as simple as dividing the volume of a dime into the volume of the container. There will be spaces between the dimes depending on how they are "distributed" or "arranged" in the container.

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1 gallon is how many kg?

So, roughly, one gallon of crude oil gives you half a gallon of gasoline.So it takes two gallons of crude oil to produce one gallon of gasoline.The same ratio applies to litresSo, roughly, one litre of crude oil gives you half a litre of petrol.So it takes two litres of crude oil to produce one litre of petrol.See the linked questions below. 2 gallons of oil make about 1 gallon of gasoline. The remainder goes into jet fuel, lubricants, and other petroleum-based products.

How much does 1 cubic foot of water takes to make a gallon?

a gallon or so