EKG paper is a grid where time is measured along the horizontal axis, of EKG graph paper and where to measure the components of the EKG wave form.
artifact in ECG
The Einthoven triangle is an equilateral triangle with the heart at its centre and the limbs (left arm, right arm and legs) at the apices. This triangle forms the basis for the theory behind how the ECG functions.
One small box is 0.04 seconds. To get a heart rate, usually expressed as "per minute", divide 300 by the number of LARGE boxes between QRS wave peaks. A large box is 0.2 seconds. (Math: one minute = 60 seconds. One second = 5 x 0.2 seconds per large box, thus 60s x 5 boxes per second = 300 LARGE boxes per minute) which also happens to be the upper limit of normal for the PR interval used in determining the presence of primary AV block. One can also memorize the rate for the number of large boxes, rather than doing the math: 1 = 300; 2 = 150; 3 = 100; 4 = 75; 5 = 60. If you have more boxes than that, or less, you'd better page me rather than worrying about math!
The amplitude of an ECG wave is typically measured in millimeters (mm) on the vertical axis of the ECG graph. It represents the voltage or electrical activity of the heart muscle during each phase of the cardiac cycle.
Both measure electrical activity -- the ECG in the heart and the EEG in the brain.An EEG is an electroencephalogram and an ECG also known as an EKG is an electrocardiogram. An EEG records brainwave/electrical activity. An ECG records the electrical activity that the heart produces.
When the ECG is running at normal speed, the paper is moving at 25 mm/sec.
An ECG (Electrocardiography) machine.
An abbreviation for ElectroCardiogram: A procedure in which electrodes placed on the chest wall pick up the electrical conduction/activity of the heart. The depolarization and repolarization of the cardiac miocytes are are transcribed on a sheet of paper with the amplitude (+ or -) on the X axis, and time on the Y axis.
Pacer Spike otherwise known as (Pacemaker Spike)
An electrocardiograph (ECG) machine produces a printed representation on ECG paper by detecting and recording the electrical signals produced by the heart. The machine amplifies these signals and converts them into a visual display on the paper, showing the heart's electrical activity as a series of waves and spikes.
The ECG Tracings are seen on paper. The time intervals are shown as well as the measurements of each block on the paper.The ECG paper records time sequences (horizontal deflections) and amplitude (vertical deflections) of the electrical activity of the heart. The horizontal lines measure time intervals and heart rate.You will see first the P wave, the QRS complex, and the T wave. The P wave is the atria contracting, the QRS is the ventricle contacting, and the T wave is the relaxation of the ventricles.
in an ecg test,the electrical impulses made while the heart is beating are recorded usually shown on a piece of paper.
Know what happens in the P, QRS, and T complexes on an EEG?
An ECG trace typically shows a series of waveforms - P wave (atrial depolarization), QRS complex (ventricular depolarization), and T wave (ventricular repolarization) - on a graph with time plotted on the x-axis and voltage on the y-axis. The shape can vary depending on the heart's rhythm and any abnormalities present.