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6 divided by 4.2 = 1.4285, so the increase was 42.85%

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Q: The world population was 4.2 billion people in 1982 The population in 1999 reached 6 billion Find the percent of change from 1982 to 1999 Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a percent?
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The world population was 4.2 billion people in 1982 the pouplation in 1999 reached 6 billion what is the percent of change froam 1982 to 1999?


What was the population during the Victorian times?

In 1804, the world's population reached 1 billion. In 1850, half way through the Victorian times, the world's population reached 1.2 billion. Finally, in 1900, the world's population reached 1.6 billion.

When did the world population reach 4 billion?

The world population reached 6 billion on oct.12 1999

What was the world's population in the nineteenth century?

The world population in 1800 was 978,000,000. By 1850 the world population had reached roughly 1,262,000,000 (1.2 Billion). By 1900, it had reached roughly 1.65 billion.

When did the world population 1 billion?

he world population reached 1 billion for the first time in 1804.

How long did it take to go from 1 to 2 billion people in the worlds population?

The world population reached one billion in 1804 and seven billion in 2012. That's a difference of 208 years.

How many population of in this world?

On October 31, 2011, the world reached 7 billion people.

What was the population of the world in the year 2002?

About 6.2 billion people. We reached 6 billion people in October, 1999. We should reach 7 billion in about July, 2012.

How many people are there in the world wide?

Just over 7 billion, the global population reached 7 billion on the 31st of October in 2011.

What percentage of the world population is Catholic?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Vatican-Annuario reported in March 2012 that the worldwide Cahtolic population reached 1.196 billion, which means that Catholics as a percentage of the global population "remained stable at around 17.5 percent." See the report at the link below.

What was the date that the earths population reached 666 billion?

The current human population of earth is ~6.7 billion. It is highly likely that 666 billion will never be reached (the earth simply could not support such a population). If by population we mean to take into account ALL is an impossible number to calculate. If there was intended to be a decimal place in there for 6.66billion - The US and UN census information both agree that it was hit in 2005. An exact date would be highly debateable - as is the accuracy of these estimates.

When did the world population reach to 3 billion?

The world population reached the high mark of 5 billion people in the year of 1974 but it keeps on increasing everyday since more people are being born.