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Q: Tiny pit in the macula lutea contains only cone?
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What part of the eye is responsible seeing light?

The macula. It is the central area of the retina, where the lens forms the central part of an image. It contains a high density of cone type light sensitive receptors.

Is a cone a seed or seedless plant?

A cone contains the seed of the plant.

What are the contents of a pine cone?

A pine cone contains the trees seeds.

What is the structure of a female cone?

The structure of the female cone is the reproductive cone that contains the seeds of the plant. It is also called the Conifer cone.

What are the tiny fragments released from a volcano?

cinder-cone volcano

What is a cone in the study of plants?

Some species of trees, such as the pine tree, produce a cone which contains seeds.

What is the difference between staminate and ovulate cones?

A staminate cone contains the male reproductive structures that produce microspores.An ovulate cone contains the female reproductive structures that produce megaspores.

Which part of the body is the retina found?

Yes, the macula is a small, actually tiny, spot located in the back of the eye in the retina. It is made up of several different layers of tissue and photoreceptor cells. The most prevalent photoreceptor cells are the cone cells. You can remember this by cone cells help with clarity, color and central vision. It is this part of the retina that is used to read, recognize faces or for driving. Sometimes it is called the macula lutea which means "yellow spot." The yellow tint comes from the high concentrations of carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin. These carotenoids make up the macular pigment and help to protect our eyes from the damaging effects of blue light. The thicker the pigment, the better the protection

What partof the pine tree contains the seeds?

The pine cone holds the seeds.

Why would a new pine grow from a cone that fell from a tree?

the closed cone contains seeds. the seeds will at some point be released. which then can grow into pines.

What type of receptors are involved with vision?

The rod and cone cells of the eye's retina are specialized to respond to the electromagnetic radiation of light. The total number of rods in the human retina (91 million) far exceeds the number of cones (roughly 4.5 million).The highest concentration of cones is in the macula. The fovea centralis, at the center of the macula, contains only cones and no rods.The macula lutea is the small, yellowish central portion of the retina. It is about 5.5 mm in diameter and is the area providing the clearest, most distinct vision.When one looks directly at something, the light from that object forms an image on one’s macula.A healthy macula ordinarily is capable of achieving at least 20/20 (“normal”) vision or visual acuity, even if this is with a correction in glasses or contact lenses.The rods are most sensitive to light and dark changes, shape and movement and contain only one type of light-sensitive pigment.Rods are not good for color vision. In a dim room, however, we use mainly our rods, but we are "color blind."The cones are not as sensitive to light as the rods. However, cones are most sensitive to one of three different colors (green, red or blue).Signals from the cones are sent to the brain which then translates these messages into the perception of color. Cones, however, work only in bright light.That's why you cannot see color very well in dark places. So, the cones are used for color vision and are better suited for detecting fine details.Some people cannot tell some colors from others - these people are "color blind." Someone who is color blind does not have a particular type of cone in the retina or one type of cone may be weak.In the general population, about 8% of all males are color blind and about 0.5% of all females are color blind.

Conifers have leaves or not for plants?

Yes, conifers have leaves. The definition of a conifer is : A cone bearing tree with tiny needlelike leaves.