

To put things into groups

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: To put things into groups
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To put things together in groups?


Why do scientists put things in groups?

because then they can separate those things

How is classifying done?

to put things into groups based on their similarities

What is the meaning of classify?

To put things into groups based on their similarities.

What does classify mean science?

to classify means to put things into groups

What is the word called when you put similar things in groups?

It is called Categorising things, Like in the animal kingdom, where certain animals are put into different categories.

When scientists put things into categories or groups together items that are alike in some way they are?


What classification?

Classification means to put things into groups according to their characteristics.Living organisms are arranged in different groups due to their similarities and differences. This grouping is called CLASSIFICATION.

What is classification?

Classification means to put things into groups according to their characteristics.Living organisms are arranged in different groups due to their similarities and differences. This grouping is called CLASSIFICATION.

Why do scientists organize organisms into groups?

Because there are countless numbers of animals and having an organized, internationally recognized system of classification allow scientists to put new-found creatures into previously made categories.Answer:Scientists use DNA to place animals into groups.

What is meant by classification Why do Scientists classify things?

classification means the put things into different groups according to their character .classification makes the study of livingthings much easier.

What happened at robbers cave when two groups were put together in completion with each other?

Intergroup conflict, discrimination against the other group, and fights between the groups. (so all of these) - APEX