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its easy to convert a given binary number into haxadecimal form.

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Q: To which numbering system can the binary number 1101100100111100 be easily converted?
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What is conversion of 125 into binary?

1111101 If you use windows calculator click on view and select scientific. Then you too will be able to easily convert between numbering systems. Alternately you could learn the different numbering systems (binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal) as this proves most useful when programming.

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First image decoded into coordinate system and then this figure converted into binary format and then system can store it easily. source Avian-Media

Why the 0 and 1 are binary numbers?

The term binary means based on two numbers only. It would be possible to use any two numbers for a binary system, however, since 0 and 1 are the first two numerals, it was considered reasonable to use those. It could just as easily have been 1 and 2. The advantage of a binary system is that it is easily converted to an electrical circuit state; one number means on, the other number means off. That makes it useful for computers, which are based on electrical circuits.

What is 97 in binary code?

You can easily convert decimal to binary in the scientific calculator - for example, the scientific calculator found in Windows. In this case, type the number in decimal, then click on "binary" to convert to binary.

Can An existing numbered list cannot be easily converted to a bulleted list?

Existing numbered list could easily be converted to a bullet list. This can be done by changing the properties.

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Chemical energy can be converted to heat by burning a substance with oxygen

Which is the following represents the binary equivalent of the decimal number 23?

The binary equivalent of the decimal number 23 is 10111. You can use an online converter to easily find this solution.

Why is booth algorithm fast for multiplication two binary numbers?

Shifting in easily accomplished in hardware.

Why no websites tell us why binary is invented?

Binary system is invented to allow its use for computers where "on" is for one and "off" is for zero. So, numbers could be easily identified by the computers.

How can one perform a binary search?

One can perform a binary search easily in many different ways. One can perform a binary search by using an algorithm specifically designed to test the input key value with the value of the middle element.

What is the binary number 0010000100000000 in hexadecimal?

You need to count off four bits at a time, from the right (this is in case the number of binary digits is not an exact multiple of 4). Then you replace each group of four binary digits by the hexadecimal equivalent. You can easily find a table of conversion online.

How are pounds converted to kilograms?

Very easily: pounds x 0.453592 = kilograms