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Q: True or False-A prime number is a whole number greater than 1 that has only itself and 1 as factors.?
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What is a number greater than one with more than two factors?

Every number greater than 1 has 1 and the number itself as factors. If it has no other factors besides these two factors, it is a prime number. If it has more factors than 1 and itself, it is a composite number.

What two numbers do every number greater than 1 have as factors?

Every number greater than 1 has the two factors 1 and the number itself.

What is a number that has four identical even factors greater than 1 and that has only 1 and itself as factors?

A number that has only one and itself as factors is a prime number and so therefore it can't have four other identical factors.

What does Abundant Deficient and perfect mean?

Abundant is a number for which the sum of all its proper factors is greater than the number itself. Deficient is a number for which the sum of all its proper factors is less than the number itself. Perfect is a number for which the sum of all its proper factors is the number itself.

A whole number greater than 1 that has exactly two factors itself and 1?

composite number! ;)

What is a whole number greater than 1 with only 2 factors 1 and itself?

A prime number.

Is a prime number a whole number greater than 1 that has only itself and 1 as its factors?


What is the whole number greater then 1 whose only factors are 1 and itself?

That's a prime number.

What is abundant factors?

In number theory, an abundant number is a number for which the sum of its proper divisors is greater than the number itself.

What two numbers does every number greater than 1 have as factors?

' 1 ' and itself.

Is the number 16 an abundant number?

Yes, the number 16 is an abundant number because the sum of its proper divisors (1, 2, and 4) is greater than the number itself (16).

What are the factors of 4 between the numbers of 30 and 50?

The factors of a number cannot be greater than the number itself. So there are no factors of 4 between 30 and 50.