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Q: True or false context language consist of words that create positive or negative associations?
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A positive and negative number ?

Integer (consist of negative and positive number.

How can ionic compounds be neutral if they consist of positive and negative ions?

Ionic compounds are neutral because, even though they consist of positive and negative ions, the relative proportions between those ions are such that the total number of negative charges is the same as the total number of positive charges, thus summing to zero.

What compound consist of a positive metal ion and a negative metal ion?


What shape is Bacilli?

Bacilli are usually in rod shaped form. They can consist of gram negative and gram positive bacteria.

How are molecules different from atoms?

Atoms consist of electrons (negative charge), protons (positive charge), and neutrons (neutral charge), while molecules consist of atoms.

What consist of a single atom with a positive or negative charge?

A unipositive or uninegative monoatomic ion.

What is a partical in an atom with no charge?

Atoms consist of protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons have a positive charge. Electrons have a negative charge. And neutrons have no charge at all.

What is the negative and positive aspects of Africa?

I think it must be the good and the bad about South Africa which they consist of poverty and crime other's like fredom and justice

What are the negative Fibonacci numbers called?

The negative Fibonacci numbers (also known as the Negafibonacci numbers) consist of the Fibonacci numbers in an alternating negative and positive pattern.The start of the Negafibonacci sequence runs thus:1, -1, 2, -3, 5, -8, 13, -21...And continues in a pattern identical to the Fibonacci numbers but with alternating negative and positive numbers.

Explain how a water molecule can be attracted to both a positive ion and a negative ion when dissolving an ionic compound?

The shape and charge distribution in a water molecule cause it to have a permanent dipole moment, which consist of a positive electric charge and a negative charge separated by a distance in space. Therefore, the part of a water molecule that corresponds to the negative charge of its dipole moment is attracted to positive ions, and the part of a water molecule that corresponds to the positive charge of its dipole moment is attracted to negative ions.

Are hydroxide atoms positive or negative?

Negative. Hydroxide atoms also don't exist, they're molecules. They consist of two atoms, one hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom. The charge is -1 on the oxygen.

Where is majority of negative charge on the water molecule?

Water molecules consist of hydrogen molecules and oxygen molecules. Most of the negative charge comes from the oxygen molecules while the hydrogen molecules carry the positive charge.