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2/8 and 8/32

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Q: Use the numbers 2 and 8 and one other integer to write two fractions equivalent to 1 over 4?
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Related questions

What is the difference between between integer and numbers?

An integer is a whole number. There are lots of other numbers, such as fractions or rationals, and irrational numbers (such as the square root of 2)

How do you write 0.19 as an equivalent fraction?

0.19 = 19/100 as a fraction. To find other equivalent fractions you simply multiply the numerator and denominator by the same non-zero integer.

What are equivalent fracations?

Equivalent fractions are fractions whose results are equal to each other. For example, 3/4 (three quarters) and 6/8 (six eighths) are equivalent fractions, because the answer to both their sums is 0.75.Any two pairs of numbers expressed as a vulgar fraction whose sums are equal to each other can be considered equivalent.

What are the steps in changing similar fractions to dissimilar fraction?

Take one of the fractions. Multiply its numerator and denominator by any integer greater than 1. The result will be a fraction with is equivalent to the fraction that you started with but no longer similar to the other fraction.

What are the two equivalent fractions of 42 75?

To find the equivalent fractions, you first need to divide both numerator and denominator by any common divisors. In this case both 42 and 75 can divide by 3, so do this and you get 14/25. The next step is to multiply this simplest form fraction by any integer (1,2,3,4...) to get the other equivalent fractions. This gives the first few equivalent fractions of 42/75 as: 14/25, 28/50, 56/100, 70/125...

What number either even or neither odd?

Every integer (whole numbers, including positives, negatives, and zero) is either odd or even. No number is both odd and even. Other numbers, such as fractions that don't reduce to an integer, irrational numbers, and pure imaginary numbers are neither odd nor even. Zero is an even number and is not an odd number.

When you add fractions you are finding their?

The answer to an addition is called the sum. Fractions and other numbers.

How is multiplying whole number the related to multiplying fractions?

Its related to each other because in both you multiply. Whole numbers are positive integers, expect zero which is neutral (no sign). If you know the time table, this will help you to multiply fractions written as integer/integer (rational number). So you will find the right value of the product. Positive or negative value, it depends on the sign of the numbers involved in the multiplication.

Is -9 is an integer?

s.. 9 is an integer but 9.a23 or any other decimal value isn't integerYes.

What are other fractions equivalent to 0.875?

Your Mom Is The Answer!

How do you use equivalent in a sentence?

equivalentThe fractions were equivalent to each other

What fractions is equivalent to 42 over 120?

There are an infinite number of such fractions: 21/60, 14/40, 7/20, 35/100, 84/240, etc. Just multiply or divide both numbers by any other number and you get an equivalent fraction.