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Resultant vector or effective vector

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Q: Vector that shows the combined effect of two or more vector?
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What does a vector show?

A vector diagram shows direction as well as magnitude

What does orientation of a vector show?

it shows direction

What does the pointing vector represent?

A vector already points, without needing an extra. I wonder if you mean "Poynting Vector" which shows the direction and magnitude of power flow in radiation.

55 miles per hour vector or scalar?

it's a vector quantity because it is aquantity which only shows the speed of the vehicle but scaler shows direction also.

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What is a vector base image?

Vector-based files are more suitable for illustrations that require precise measurements, where as a bitmap image is not as sutible.

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What is useful of vectors in physics?

vector is important because it shows direction as well as magnitude

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Are the magnetic field vector- or scalar fields?

Both, E=Es + Ev = cB therefore, B= Es/c + Ev/c = Bs + Bv. The electric and magnetic fields are quaternion fields consisting of a scalar field and a vector field. Contemporary Physics has not realized this yet. Correct Relativity Theory is a manifestation of quaternion fields, consisting of a scalar field and three vector fields. This shows up in the Energy Momentum four vector, E= Es +cmV. Actually the Lorentz Force is both scalar and vector: F=qvB = - qv.B + qvxB it makes no sense consider only qvxB and to ignore qv.B.