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Q: Velocity can be defined as in a given direction?
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Velocity can be defined as what in a given direction?

Velocity is speed in a given direction.

What is speed in a given direction is called?

Speed in a given direction is velocity.

What is speed in a given direction?

Speed in a given direction is called velocity.

Is it possible that a body has zero speed and nonzero velocity?

No because velocity defined as speed in a given direction so if speed is 0 then velocity must also be 0

Is speed velocity in a given direction?

Yes , speed in a given direction is called velocity. Velocity is a vector quantity that is it has both magnitude as well as direction.

Velocity includes speed and?

Velocity is defined as speed in a certain direction, or vector.

What do you call speed in a given direction?

Speed in a given direction is velocity.

What is velocity and why is it a vector?

Velocity is an indication of a speed, including a direction. It is a vector because that is how a vector is defined (a magnitude, including a direction).

The speed in a given direction is?


What term is defined as the speed of an object in a particular direction?

That is velocity.

What does velocity consist of?

Velocity is a vector quantity and is defined by direction and amplitude, unlike a scalar quantity like speed, which is defined by only amplitude.

What does acceleration have to do with velocity?

Velocity is speed in a given direction Acceleration is the rate in which you change velocity.