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Q: Was the function of the epididymus?
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What is the Connecting of the epididymus and the vas deferens?

The tail of the epididymus connects to the vas deferens through the epididymil duct.

Why is the epididymus important?

The epididymus attaches the testicle to the rest of the body. It can become inflamed (and this can become very painful), in a condition called epididymitis.

What connects the testes to the vas deferens?


The coil duct that transports sperm is the?

your mom. who knew the epididymus

How long is the epididymus?

6 metres according to channel 4!

Where are male gametes stored?

They are made in the testes but are stored in the epididymus.

Sperm mature in the epidydmis and are stored in what?

sperm are both matured and stored in the epididymus.

Where in the testes are sperm produce?

Sperm is produced in the testes and then matures in the epididymus.

What system does the epididymus belong to?

The epididymis belongs to the reproductive system, specifically the male reproductive system.

Where do sperm complete their development?

The sperm complete their development in the epididymis.

What is the different function of urethra in male and female rat?

To compare and contrast the function of the urethra in male and female pigs, it is important to understand that the urethra serves the same purpose in both. The urethra functions to carry urine from the bladder to be expelled by the body. The urethra is also a part of the reproductive organs in male and female pigs.

What connects the seminiferous tubules to the epidiymis?

Efferent ducts or ductuli efferentes (latin name). In humans this is about 15-20 small tubes connecting the head of the epididymus with the rete testis.