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Yes, there were many rivers including the Hudson River

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Q: Was there any landforms around the new England colonies besides the mountains?
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Did England have any other colonies besides England?

Yes, in India, the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore.

What other countries besides England had colonies in the continent?

Yeah i think it in Did_England_have_any_other_colonies_besides_England, the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore.Read more: Did_England_have_any_other_colonies_besides_England

What other mountains is adirondack mountains east to besides the white mounts?

white mountains

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the grand canyon and rivers

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Where is a good spot to fossil hunt besides in the mountains?

the valleys

Is there anything besides a rock that can be weathered?

O yes, there are alot of things apart from rocks, that weathers. Anything affected by agents of weathering and denudation will weather off with time. Things like mountains, and other landforms, including man-made structures are also at risks of weathering.

Why do mountains lions live in mountains?

Pumas can live wherever there is cover, water, and prey, especially deer. They are found in swamps and other places besides just mountains.

Range of mountains runs besides the pacific ocean?

The range of mountains that runs beside the Pacific Ocean is the Andes Mountain Range.

Where else can a gray wolf live besides mountains?

Forests, woods, and valleys.

What are the main landforms of Mexico are the Sierra Madres?

Yes, besides the Mexican Central Plateau. See related questions for further detail.

Besides agriculture and trade what were two industries in Southern Colonies?

Slavery and i do not know