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Q: Wave velocity is proportional to what?
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What is wave velocity inversely proportional to?

It is inversely proportional to wave length.

Which variable is directly proportional to frequency?

Frequency, when referring to waves, is directly proportional to the velocity of the wave. Frequency in inversely proportional to the wavelength.

What happens to the wavelength of a wave that slows down while retaining its original frequency?

As the basic formula of all types of waves is (Velocity of a wave=the product of the wavelength of it and its frequency). In this case, frequency of a certain wave is constant and the velocity is decreasing. And as the velocity is directly proportional to the wavelength, the wavelength of the wave shortens as a result.

What happens to the wavelength of a wave when the energy is increased?

If you are talking about an electromagnetic wave; energy is proportional to frequency (E=hf), and frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength (wavelength equals velocity divided by frequency). So when the wavelength is increased, the energy is decreased.

How wavelenth of waves traveling with speed would change if the frecuency of the weaves icreased?

Velocity of wave = Frequency X Wavelength So if Velocity of the wave is kept constant, then Frequency of the wave is inversely proportional to it's wavelength i.e increase in frequency means decreases in Wavelength.

Is momentum inversely proportional to velocity?

No, momentum is directly proportional to velocity, and in the same direction..

What increases when sound wave travel in solid from gas medium frequency or wavelength?

Velocity increases when sound waves travel from gas medium to solid medium. As velocity = frequency * wave length and the frequency does not change, v is directly proportional to the wave length... Hence the wavelength increases.

What can be determine from the frequency and wavelength of a wave?

The velocity of the wave

Is distance and time proportional in velocity?

Not sure what you mean exactly. At constant velocity, the distance travelled is proportional to the time.

What is wave velocity and particle velocity?

The speed the wave is traveling through space

The frequency of a wave is inversaely proportional to what?

Frequency is inversely proportional to the wavelength.Their product is always the speed of the wave.

Is the velocity of an object always proportional to elapsed time?

Velocity is proportional to elapsed time when motion is in a straight line and acceleration is constant.