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were the judges of the salem witch trials ever ask for forgiveness for killing people

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Q: Were the judges of the Salem witch trials ever ask for forgiveness for killing people?
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In ancient Rome people were punished by judges who presided over trials.

What kinds of trials or hearings were at the Salem trials?

Bench trials, meaning the judges decided the verdict.

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The Nuremburg trials were trials meant to find men guilty or innocent of War Crimes. The people involved were the Nazi war criminals and Allied judges.

Why were the judges not trial for their action in Salem?

What they did was legal at the time. And besides, the judges were hired by the government to preside over the trials.

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They were both jury trials, although in ancient Greece juries numbered in the hundreds and juries also acted as judges.

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The way the trials were held, using fear and bias, were exactly like the trials of the red scare.they both have something to do with convicting, imprisoning, and killing innocent people.

Who were two judges involved in the salem witch trials?

William Stoughton and Thomas Danforth

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because now we have judges to also judge our justice

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there were, so far as known, 5 people involved in killing Shawn Buckner. The suspects are in jail, still awaiting their trials..

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Hear matters, and conduct trials relating to violations of federal law.

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Ann Putnam jr

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No, there was no jury. The accused were tried by a panel of judges nominated by the four main Allied governments.