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Period (T) is the reciprocal of frequency, i.e. T=1/f = 1/2 = 0.5 second.

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Q: What Is the period of a wave with a frequency of 2 hz?
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What are the frequency and period of a wave if 6 peaks pass in 2 seconds?

The frequency is 6 per 2 seconds = 3 Hz. The period is the reciprocal of the frequency = 1/3 second.

What is the period of a wave whose frequency is 2MHz?

The period is the reciprocal of the frequency. 1 / 2 million Hz = 500 ns or 0.5 us (microseconds).

A water wave rises and falls twice every four seconds What is the period of the wave What is its frequency?

Period = (4 seconds) / (2 waves) = 2 seconds per wave Frequency = (2 waves) / (4 seconds) = 0.5 Hz.

If a wave has amplitude of 2 meters a wavelength of 2 meters and a frequency of 10 Hz and a period of 1 second then at what speed is the wave moving?

speed = distance over time = wavelength times frequency = 2 m times 10 hz = 20 m hz = 20 meters per second.

Which wave would have a longer wavelength those with 56 Hz frequency or 2 MHz frequency?

56 Hz.

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340 m/s

What is the wavelength of wave that has a frequency of 15 hz and speed of 2 meters per second?

Wavelength = speed/frequency = 2/15 Hz = roughly 0.133... Hz.

A water wave has a frequency of 6 Hz and a wavelength of 3 m What is the period of these waves and What is the wave velocity?

Period = 1 / (frequency) = 1 / 6th of a second = [166 and 2/3] millisecondsSpeed = (wavelength) x (frequency) = 6 x 3 = [18] meters per second

How does the frequency of a wave change when the period of a wave is doubled?

The frequency is the reciprocal of the period. If the period is doubled, the frequency will change by a factor of 1/2.

What is the frequency of a wave if it has a wavelength of 2 m and a wave speed of 20 meters per second?

Frequency = (speed)/(wavelength) = 20/2 = 10 Hz

How does the frequency of a wave change when the period of the wave is double?

Double the original period ==> 1/2 of the original frequency

What is the wave of an electromagnetic wave that has a1-hz frequency?

That would be a 'radio' wave with a wavelength about 71/2 times the Earth's circumference.