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Q: What Write a decimal that has a 6 in the tens place and a 8 in the ten thousands place?
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How do you write the digit in the thousands place and the digit in the tens place for the given place value for 9346?

9 is in the thousands place. 4 is in the tens place.

Write the digit in the thousands place and the digit in the tens place for the given place value 9446?

The 9 is in the thousands place and the second 4 is in the tens place. The 6 is in the units place and the first 4 in the hundreds place.

Which digit is in 123456 the tens thousand?

2 is in the ten thousands place. From left to right, beginning from the digit just to the left of the decimal point, place values are: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands, millions, and so on.

What is the fourth place from the right on the place value chart?

thousands - hundreds - tens - units - decimal point - tenths - hundredths - thousandths Therefore, the fourth place is "thousands."

What is 4 tens of thousands as a decimal?


How do you count places in decimals?

trillions, hundred millions, ten millions, millions, hundred thousands, ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, ones (decimal point) tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.

Was is the thousands place and the tens place in 8130?

The thousands place is the first digit and the tens is the third (or last but one).

How do you write 15 tens as a decimal?

15 tens = 150

How do you write two hundred forty-one and five tenths?

You can write two hundred forty-one and five tenths as: 241.5.Remember that place value is always: Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Ones [decimal] Tenths, Hundredths, Thousandths.

Write the decimal number that has the specified place values.7 ones, 4 hundredths, 7 tens, 4 hundreds 9 tens?


How do you write a number that has a 3 in the hundreds place a 6 in the thousands place and a 5 in the hundreds thousands place?

Remember you have Tens of Thousands, Tens, and Units all as 0's the number you describe is "Five Hundred and Six Thousand, Three Hundred" 506,300 Biggest numbers come first:-

What does place value mean in math?

place value means like the tens place, the hundreds place, the thousands place, the hundred thousands place, and there is also a decimal place value chart but that is another question someone may WANT to improve it!